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During Chongzhen’s Reign (A.D. 1628-1644), land annexation reached unmitigated extremes, the country faced domestic issues and foreign invasions, coinciding with the catastrophic Little Ice Age. After many years of horrid disasters in succession one after another, the Ming court continued to impose inhumane policies resulting in widespread starvation and leading to the rise of multiple rebellions against the court.

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Liang the bandit, and his companion are commissioned for a job from an unsavory merchant and must escort four girls to a wealthy lord in the city of Luoyang. They must pass through Huazhou, Wenxiang, Shanzhou, and finally reach their destination of Luoyang.

Liang initially believes that the girls he is escorting will be sold to the wealthy lord as adopted daughters to begin a new life. However, one of the four girls named “Sui” reveals the hidden secret of their journey to Luoyang.

The lord is a swine demon who has practiced devouring young ladies for over a thousand years. Every year on his birthday, he dispatches human traffickers to abduct girls from Shan in celebration of his special day. Sui’s sister was among the many who have fallen victim to the demon’s appetite.

Sui is hopeful that Liang will end the escort and join her in assassinating the swine demon to avenge her sister, and those who have perished in recent years. Although Liang wants to believe Sui, there are too many inconsistencies in her story. Throughout the journey, Liang will gather information, unravel the truth, and make his decisions accordingly.

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steam title char ℅E8℅89℅AF2 Gamers-Channel.de - Das streaming Twitch Team aus Deutschland

Play as Liang, the main character and protagonist. His family has run a successful business for years, but Liang never saw himself as his father’s successor. Instead, he would rather travel the world as a hero and visit as many new locations as possible. The day of the Great Tianqi Explosion in 1626, was the day Liang lost everything. After becoming a refugee with nothing left to his name, he turned to a life of crime. Liang became a bandit and makes a living by killing others for loot.

steam title char ℅E7℅A9℅972 Gamers-Channel.de - Das streaming Twitch Team aus Deutschland

Sui, a nine-year-old mute born in Luoyang. Her sister was killed by the swine demon that also dwells in Luoyang. To avenge her sister’s death, she intentionally let her self-become abducted to get close to the demon and assassinate him. Some, or all of the above statement is false, part of Sui’s untrustworthy nature.

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Liang’s partner Tongue, the silver-tongued devil who is motivated by greed. When they work jobs together, Liang executes their target’s lives while Tongue works on securing loot.

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A girl from an authoritative family that was abducted by human traffickers. It is said to be a distant relative of governor general Yuan.

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One of the two sisters from Northern Shannxi who was sold by her parents in a year of turmoil. She is full of vigor and an honest person, who cares deeply about her sister.

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One of the two sisters from Northern Shannxi, also sold by her parents. She is charming, pure of heart, and is also very dependent on her older sister.

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An old friend of Liang, who owns an inn outside of Haizhou city.

steam title char ℅E6℅9D℅8E℅E9℅97℅AF℅E5℅B0℅86 ℅E6℅8B℅B7℅E8℅B4℅9D2 Gamers-Channel.de - Das streaming Twitch Team aus Deutschland

In the fifth year of Chongzhen (1633), a rebel leader came to Jin from Shan and called himself the „Dashing King“.

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The swine demon disguised as a wealthy lord that devours young girls on his birthday for thousands of years, according to Sui. He is also the one who has commissioned Liang to escort the four girls to the city of Luoyang.

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There are a variety of different endings and branch options, but good deeds cannot be rewarded during times of war. Pay for the crimes Liang has committed and suffer the consequences.

In addition to a rich storyline, our goal is to achieve the highest level of quality in a Chinese visual novel. Implementing a unique combination of traditional Chinese art and animation style, focusing on impasto painting technique. We rigorously follow the clothing, architecture, environment and other elements of the late Ming Dynasty, to bring both the historical atmosphere and visually appealing aesthetic to our audience.

We also strive to achieve the highest level of authenticity in terms of sound quality. Music and sound effects will be composed by Lin Fangzhou, alongside our producer who will also provide direction and creative input. Leng Quan Ye Yue will lead as the voice recording director, working alongside talents like Hanser, Hua Ling (Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail), and others.

Key Features

  • A mystery horror story around dark themes.
  • features 260,000 words of non-repetitive text and nine different endings, providing players with a high degree of decision making
  • Full voice-over lines with a professional cast.
  • Experience the Chinese culture by immersing yourself in the history, the art, the music & the amazing voice-over acting.

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Production Team: Zerocreation Games

Producer/Script/Performance: Zero(嵇零)

Character Design (For main and supporting Character): Hutao-o-Jiazi(胡桃-o-夹子), Haishen(海神)

Scene Design: fronzenX

CG Director: Pazidinglu(帕兹定律)、Hutao-o-Jiazi(胡桃-o-夹子), Huoji(火吉)

Character Design (For NPC): Ziyinyin(梓茵茵)

Diagram Design: Chazi(叉子)

Programming: Yaoshu(遥溯)

Script/Performance Assistant: ice935, Jiuyue(九月)

Art Assistant: Huoji(火吉)、Xiaogutou(小骨头)

Interface Design/Art Promotion: Xiazhongmao(匣中猫)

Sound Design: Lin Fangzhou(林方舟)

Chinese Voice Recording Director: Lengquan Yeyue(冷泉夜月)

Chinese Voice Cast: hanser, Lengquan Yeyue(冷泉夜月), Hualing(花玲), Shi Yan(石琰), Liu Yilei(刘一蕾), Cheng Zhichao(程智超), Wang Xigua(王西瓜), Yu Shan(余珊), etc.

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Chinesisch, Englisch, Japanisch




2P Games, 零创游戏(ZerocreationGame)


23 April 2024


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