Perfect Heist 2

5,15 inkl. MwSt

Artikelnummer: 13456 Kategorie:


In this game, one robber team tries to
steal money
and other goods from a bank while
trying not to get noticed by the cop team
. The cops have a big advantage in fighting, so
keeping a low profile and blending in with the crowd
is critical for the robbers. Wait for the perfect moment to knock out one of the employees to use his clothes as a disguise while
sneaking, drilling, bombing, or hacking your way to the loot
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There are
32 completely different classes
to choose from, with different abilities, weapon loadouts, and passive perks. All guns of the first part are included in this game, as well as lots of exciting new weapons like a rocket launcher, different types of grenade launchers, and much more for a total of over 20 unique weapons! gif maker 8 - Das streaming Twitch Team aus Deutschland

Every aspect of the game got reworked from the ground up, with much
smoother gunplay
, greatly
improved net code
, more user-friendly UI, and exciting new classes and gameplay aspects like destructible walls. Due to third-person mode allowing for players to look around walls in a stealth-based game, the first-person mode was a big focus in development, with refined weapon animations and smooth movement, but a third-person mode is also included as a server setting! - Das streaming Twitch Team aus Deutschland

There will also be a
level system
unlockable cosmetics
, and a
level editor with Steam Workshop integration
, so you can create your own maps or play on community-made maps which complement the five included maps, with three being completely new, and one being a reworked and polished map from the first part. There will also be more official maps and custom map contests in the future! gif maker 10 - Das streaming Twitch Team aus Deutschland

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10 Dezember 2021


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